All information and text used on any Lacy Game Dog Registry (LGDR) certificate is the property of the LACY GAME DOG REGISTRY and cannot be used or reproduced by any person or company without the prior written consent of the LACY GAME DOG REGISTRY. Any unauthorized reproduction of pedigree information is subject to legal action and protected by Federal, State and local law. Any concerns regarding reproduction legality should be directed to the LACY GAME DOG REGISTRY Registrar. You can use the Contact Form. Please comment on certificate’s legality in the comment section.
Printable Forms and Guidelines
LGDR Registrars are working to provide options for quicker submission and response times for some of our FORMS. To ensure these forms are protected and only available to APPROVED LGDR Lacy Dog Owners and Breeders. You will be required to register with the site.
To LOGIN you will need to REGISTER one time with our site. Once Registered you will be able to access the online forms and payments.
- Click the REGISTER button below
- Fill in information and submit
- LGDR Registrar will review and approve registration within 1-2 business days
Once your account is approved, you’ll be able to login and have access to online forms. You will also be able to securely pay online via a credit card and/or CashApp. There will be a small convenience fee for all online purchases.
We hope our LGDR Lacy Owners enjoy this new option and take advantage of the forms. Please let us know if you see a way to improve the form or process. Thank you!