Lacy Game Dog Registry

The Lacy Game Dog Registry (LGDR) is committed to preserving and protecting the Blue Lacy’s unique origin and genetic integrity. We are the official and original Blue Lacy Registry. We work to ensure all Lacys registered through the LGDR and subsequent offspring trace back to the foundation stock by having a Closed Stud File Registry. A closed stud book is a stud book or breed registry that does not accept outside blood. All registered animals and subsequent offspring trace back to foundation stock. This ensures that the animal is a purebred member of the breed.

The LGDR certifies the ancestral pedigree of each Lacy and issues pedigrees with embossed seals and signed by the registrar. It accurately records the pup’s ancestry within the registry’s stud files. A pedigree certificate from the LGDR verifies that the dog is purebred.

The LGDR has instituted and enforced breed and breeding standards. It has also instituted inspection forms before breeding specifying working ability, litter forms with current photos and a breeder ethic code. These forms enhance the inspection and verification process of each litter issued Puppy Certificates. By properly maintaining the LGDR stud file pedigrees and implementing these forms, the LGDR is ensuring that only dogs with specified working ability, along with ethical breeders, will have the opportunity to have their puppies/litters issued Registration Certificates.

The LGDR works in alliance with the Texas Lacy Game Dog Association (TLGDA). All breeders listed on the TLGDA website will submit all litters for registration to the LGDR. They will have signed breeder ethics codes on file with the TLGDA and the LGDR. Because of this documentation on file, the TLGDA is the only Blue Lacy association the LGDR recognizes and supports. Until litter pictures, parentage and registration forms are received and reviewed by the LGDR, we advise against purchasing stated “pure” Blue Lacy pups without proper paperwork. The pups will not be eligible for registration if LGDR Litter Forms are not submitted. This could affect individuals that plan on breeding their Blue Lacy in the future. A Blue Lacy Pup not submitted for litter registration will not be recommended by the Lacy Game Dog Registry.

LGDR History

Jack Franks was the first owner of the Lacy Game Dog Registry™. Until 1987, Mr. Franks inspected and registered all the Blue Lacy dogs within the LGDR. In ‘1987 the registry was sold to Raymond Trimble. Mr. Trimble is credited for all recorded registries from February 11, 1987, thru April 13, 1990, at which time, he handed over the registry to Larry Boyd. Mr. Trimble and Mr. Boyd worked as Government Trappers for the Texas Wildlife Department and used Lacys to assist them in their jobs. Years after Mr. Boyd accepted the responsibility for the registry, he contracted Lyme disease. Due to his illness, he was not able to meet the demands of the registry. In October of 1998, Boyd passed the torch to Marlo Riley, great-great granddaughter of Frank Lacy, one of the original Lacy brothers who developed the breed. December 2013 Marlo married Gary Ondrej and now signs all registries as Marlo Ondrej from that date on.

The LGDR and its records are currently maintained by Marlo Ondrej, a direct descendant of the Lacy brothers who developed the breed in the 1800s.


Marlo Ondrej and a working Blue Lacy

Marlo began gathering information about the breed from descendants of the Lacy brothers. Family members Helen Gibbs, Granville Lacy, R.L. Metzger, and Winifred Roque passed on important photographs and documents. Especially important were the oral histories, passed down from generation to generation.  Although not family members, life-long Lacy owners also helped Marlo document their history. Ruth Wilkes’ father was the ranch foreman for George Washington Lacy and inherited some of the original Lacy land, where she resided until her passing. Her husband H.C. Wilkes is also well credited in the Blue Lacy breed and is listed in the “Hall of Fame” in Quinlyn, Tx for his work. Also, credited by the LGDR is Tom Graham, Gary Larremore & Brian Larremore. These three men have owned Lacy’s from the time they were young boys and have unfailingly supported the breed. Their efforts are duly noted in the dogs you see today. The breed has survived strong, through the efforts of such men and women.

This video provides more details about this amazing working breed, the LGDR and the TLGDA!

The Texas Lacy Game Dog Association


Current TLGDA Board of Directors & Officers

Affiliate Breed Club of the Texas Lacy Game Dog Association (TLGDA) was formed to work in unison with the Lacy Game Dog Registry™ to help achieve its goal of preserving the Blue Lacy breed. It offers Lacy owners and others a community where members can share their interest in the breed.


Lacy Family Descendants Jane Terman, Wayne Cavin, Marlo Riley/Ondrej, Doug Cavin, Helen Gibbs with Representative Juaqen Castro

State Dog of Texas

The LGDR, TLGDA, Lacy Family Descendants, and House Representative Juaqen Castro supported HCR 108, which officially adopted the Blue Lacy as the Texas State dog on June 18, 2005.